EMMETT Technique Muscle Release Therapy: A gentle re-alignment of the body to assist recovery.
The EMMETT Technique is fast becoming one of the most popular complementary therapies in the UK.
As Priya is a guest therapist she would prefer a cash payment.
EMMETT Technique
Adults £55.00 (60 mins)
7-16 Yrs £25.00 (30 mins)
6 Months-6 Yrs £15.00 (30 mins)
The EMMETT technique encourages realignment of the body: there is no manipulation of hard tissue and no force is used or needed. Its ability to realign and balance the body means it is effective for most conditions. A treatment usually lasts 60 minutes and consists of a series of gentle moves on skin or through light clothing, with the client usually lying on a treatment couch.
Using highly specialised soft tissue manipulation, The EMMETT Technique is able to reset the body’s muscle tensional system, causing safe natural, auto-regulation to occur within the body’s structures. The EMMETT Technique has had much success in treating and easing a variety of short term and long standing conditions, from sports injuries to chronic back pain. This therapy uses no high velocity movement and whilst this gentle and pain free treatment is highly relaxing, it is extremely powerful.
Priya Kasan delivers the EMMETT Technique. Priya is currently working in South East Asia and will return to Reborn April 2025.
The EMMETT Technique is not a replacement for medical advice. Please seek medical advice if you have concerns about your health prior to booking.
Conditions that respond well to the EMMETT Technique include:
• Back pain, neck pain and spinal conditions
• Leg, knee, ankle and foot conditions
• Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand conditions
• Headaches, including migraines
• Cranial conditions, including whiplash
• Arthritis and joint conditions
• Accident and sport injuries
• Asthma and respiratory conditions
• Infant and child conditions
• Stress conditions
Click on the menu links to explore your options more or jump straight in to booking/contact us on 0161 292 1320

If there was a 6 rating i would give it! Absolutely brilliant knowledge and sharing shown with so many wide and varied techniques. Would not hesitate to recommend to anyone! I always come out feeling better but today for some reason I felt particularly lifted. You definitely have healing hands, Priya. I will be in touch for a top up soon. Many thanks, Jon